Real World Nutrition Podcast

Move past the fads, gimmicks, trends, detoxing, cleanses, fasting, and other unrealistic ideas about eating in the real world. If you want to eat and enjoy food without being deprived because you live in the real world, join Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Shelley A. Rael as she sorts through the hype and gives real talk about eating healthier.

Launched October 2021 with new episodes weekly, each Friday.

Available on your favorite podcast app/platform, including Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music/Audible, Google Podcasts, I Heart Radio, PodBean, Spotify, and Stitcher.

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Episode 34: Umami and the Four Senses

Episode 34: Umami and the Four Senses

Many people grew up knowing about the four tastes: sweet, sour, bitter, and salty. But did you know about the fifth taste?

It has always been there along with the other four, but most people still don’t know about this fifth one.

Most of us can identify something sweet (sugar), sour (lemon), bitter (coffee), and salty (salt). But, the fifth taste is more challenging to describe.

It may be because people don’t realize it is there even though they have had this taste for their entire lives.

Savory, otherwise referred to as umami, is the Japanese word meaning “essence of deliciousness.”

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Episode 33: High Blood Pressure Risk Factors

Episode 33: High Blood Pressure Risk Factors

So many people have high blood pressure and do not know it. And even people who may be aware of their elevated blood pressure may not think it is serious.

I have measured many people's blood pressure, and when I would report to them, their numbers were above normal, and they needed to watch it or get it checked; I was often told, “oh, that is my normal.”

Some medical conditions, such as diabetes, can increase the risk of high blood pressure, but there are steps to reduce risk by changing what is in our control.

There are risk factors out of our control, such as family history and age. But we can still do many things to reduce this risk in other ways.erns.”

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Episode 32: Powerful Potassium

Episode 32: Powerful Potassium

We hear a lot about sodium. We get too much, and we need to cut back; processed foods and restaurant foods are high in sodium. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025 recommend that we limit “Sodium—Less than 2,300 milligrams per day—and even less for children younger than age 14.”

Unfortunately, more Americans who need to are not following these guidelines. Americans eat on average about 3,400 mg of sodium per day. (And reviewing many food records/logs, I see much higher numbers regularly. One teaspoon of salt contains 2,300 mg of sodium. But this isn’t about sodium. Potassium is the nutrient that can help balance sodium in the body – when we get too much, and the mineral that many of us don’t get enough is potassium.

Again, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025 state, “Current inadequate intake of nutrient-dense foods and beverages across food groups has resulted in underconsumption of some nutrients and dietary components. Calcium, potassium, dietary fiber, and vitamin D are considered dietary components of public health concern for the general U.S. population because low intakes are associated with health concerns.”

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Episode 31: Is Going Vegan Healthy?

Episode 31: Is Going Vegan Healthier? 

People often tell me the eat vegan because it is healthier.

Many people assume that just because they are not eating animal-based foods, it automatically makes their diet better or healthier.

Not necessarily.

One of the first things I ask when a client tells me they are going or eating vegetarian of any type is “why”?

Now, this may sound judgy, but it isn’t. 

As a dietitian, it is helpful to get the perspective of the client and their reason. Health reasons, ethical reasons, trends, a boyfriend/girlfriend is vegetarian – the reasons vary as much as the person.

This way, I can understand how “strict” they are or get help with their mindset. 

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Episode 30: Ignore the Dirty Dozen

Episode 30: Ignore the Dirty Dozen

While the definition of “clean” eating varies by the person saying the phrase, the one thing that often comes up when I ask people their interpretation of clean eating is “I wash my fruits and veggie.” Good choice.

Another thing that people will bring up is the infamous Dirty Dozen list. This “dirty dozen” is the list of foods that the Environmental Working Group (EWG) comes up with that suggest we should “always” buy organic.

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Episode 29: Reduce Food Waste

Episode 29: Reduce Food Waste

For Earth Day the topic is how we can reduce food waste.

It is estimated that a family of four loses $1,500 in uneaten food each year (in the United States).

And much of this food waste is food purchased for preparation and consumption but not. This means it is the food we are tossing out ourselves.

What can we do? I give some tips in this episode

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podcast Shelley Rael podcast Shelley Rael

Episode 28: No More Pyramids

Episode 28: No More Pyramids

We No Longer Live Among Pyramids – And We Haven’t For A While Now

So many people I interact with still talking about the Food Guide Pyramid. But this food icon retired back in 2011 with the MyPlate icon. 

So, stop talking pyramids and find balance with, and on, your MyPlate. 

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podcast Shelley Rael podcast Shelley Rael

Episode 27: Protein - A Nutrient and a Food Group

Episode 27: Protein - A Nutrient and a Food Group

One of the more considerable challenges in conversation about nutrition is when people classify nutrients as a food group.

For example, when people refer to carbs and how bad they think they are and believe they shouldn’t eat them. I am surprised that people think we should not eat any fruits, vegetables, or beans?

Because carbs are a nutrient. And the nutrient carbohydrates include fiber, starch, and various sugars.

I promise this episode is about protein, but I do need to give some background, so hang in there.

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podcast Shelley Rael podcast Shelley Rael

Episode 26: Number on the Scale and the Perfect Diet

Episode 26: Number on the Scale and the Perfect Diet

When people reach out to me, I often get those who want to lose weight - sometimes it is “ten pounds” sometimes more. But I also have to ask what else they want for their health. It isn’t always about the number on the scale.

And other people will ask me, “what is the perfect diet” to accomplish many health goals.

In this episode, I address both of these things - what numbers to really pay attention to, and what is the diet to reach these various goals.

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podcast Shelley Rael podcast Shelley Rael

Episode 25: Hunger or Habit?

Episode 25: Hunger or Habit

Today’s episode poses the question that many people have difficulty answering: are you eating out of habit or hunger?

Hunger, habit, appetite, and all the thing that can trigger us to eat.

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podcast Shelley Rael podcast Shelley Rael

Episode 24: Are These Foods Healthy?

Episode 24: Are These Foods Healthy? 

This episode covers five foods that are not as healthy as you may think they are. 

With so many foods in the market and people wanting to make healthier choices, I need to call out some foods. 

There are confusing labels and marketing suggesting that some foods are healthier options and “good for you”, but are they really. Not always. 

Listen to learn my top five foods that people think are healthier when they aren’t really.

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podcast Shelley Rael podcast Shelley Rael

Episode 23: Five Weight Loss Myths Busted

Episode 23: Five Weight Loss Myths Busted

Spring is around the corner and people may be considering some drastic or extreme ways to lose weight or just have some downright misinformation.

Does eating at night cause weight gain? Will eating fruit with your meal cause food to ferment in your gut and cause weight gain? Do you need to cut out “white” foods?

I address these and more in this week's episode.

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podcast Shelley Rael podcast Shelley Rael

Episode 22: Is Fried Fish A Healthy Option? 

Episode 22: Is Fried Fish A Healthy Option? 

Every restaurant seems to have a fish special this time of year, especially on Fridays.

Now, I must address an issue that presents itself more often than I’d like: fish can be healthy, but not when it is fried.

We do recommend people include fish in their diet regularly. Today’s episode discussed that these fish sandwich options are not healthier choices and not really part of the recommendations of getting more fish. 

While it may seem obvious to some people, I do explain why this isn’t always the case. 

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Episode 21: What Are Macros? And Do You Need to Count Them?

Episode 21: What are Macros? And Do You Need to Count Them?

So many people will talk about “macros” and how they can fit into their overall diet. And then comes the question, “what exactly are macros?”

In this episode, I explain what they are, do a lot of math, and discuss whether we should count them, how we can make them fit into the diet in precise amounts - and which foods will do it.

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Episode 20: Eating for Your Heart

Episode 20: Eating for Your Heart

February is American Heart Month. Heart Month happens every year because here is the thing: people tend to think of how to help their heart AFTER a cardiac episode. And they come to me or seek our help on what can they do to improve their health AFTER the issue is already there?

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podcast Shelley Rael podcast Shelley Rael

Episode 19: Shop the Perimeter?

Episode 19: Shop the Perimeter? Should you follow this Food and Grocery Store “Rule” to Shop the Perimeter? Maybe not. 

While this sounds like a good idea, there are plenty of healthy options in the aisle and plenty of not-so-healthy options on the perimeter. 

I break it down in today’s episode and you can read more here.

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Episode 18: Does Muscle Really Weigh More Than Fat? 

Does muscle weigh more than fat? No, it does not.

You have probably heard this and may have even said it. In your life: "muscle weighs more than fat."

NOT true.

People will argue with me about this, I get push-back on this, and you may have already skipped this episode because you know I am wrong. But I am not.

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Episode 17: ​If You Can’t Pronounce It, Should You Eat It? ​

Break this Rule: If you can’t pronounce it, don’t eat it

If you can’t pronounce it, you can still go ahead and eat it most of the time.

One of the more ridiculous “food rules” I have seen is “if you can’t pronounce it, don’t eat it.”

Just because someone cannot pronounce something doesn’t mean it is “bad” or unhealthy.

There are lots of things we need to eat regularly that most people have difficulty pronouncing.

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podcast Shelley Rael podcast Shelley Rael

Episode 16: Should You Cut Grains?

One of the things I hear is that people think that grains are wholly unnecessary in the diet. Lots of things are entirely unnecessary, like wine, potato chips, and caramel. That doesn’t mean that we throw them out entirely unless you are a heretic.

The big difference between the grains and the wine, potato chips, and caramel is their nutrients. Grains, especially whole grains, have a lot of nutrients and not just “carbs.”

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Episode 15: Plant-Based vs Vegetarian Diets

What is “plant-based” eating and how is it different from vegetarianism? Good question. In today’s episode, I go over plant-based eating, how I define it, and how others I encountered approach it. And how is this term really different from someone who is vegetarian. Not much.

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