Episode 31: Is Going Vegan Healthy?

Episode 31: Is Going Vegan Healthier? 

People often tell me the eat vegan because it is healthier.

Many people assume that just because they are not eating animal-based foods, it automatically makes their diet better or healthier.

Not necessarily.

One of the first things I ask when a client tells me they are going or eating vegetarian of any type is “why”?

Now, this may sound judgy, but it isn’t. 

As a dietitian, it is helpful to get the perspective of the client and their reason. Health reasons, ethical reasons, trends, a boyfriend/girlfriend is vegetarian – the reasons vary as much as the person.

This way, I can understand how “strict” they are or get help with their mindset. 

Schedule a consult call with me today to learn how I can help you reach your health and wellness goals: https://www.shelleyrael.com/contact

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Episode 32: Powerful Potassium


Episode 30: Ignore the Dirty Dozen