Episode 4: Should You Avoid Carbs? Can You?

Episode 4: Should You Avoid Carbs? Can You? 

You hear it all the time, and you may even say it: “I am eating low carb”, “I cut carbs”, or “I don’t eat carbs.”

But can you really avoid carbs? Should you? 

Carbohydrates are not a food group but a nutrient essential for human health, and it is in many more foods than people realize. 

Learn the truth about whether carbs “make you fat” and more in today’s episode. 

Listen: Real World Nutrition Podcast Episode 2 Food Groups vs. Nutrients.

Read More: Food Groups vs. Nutrients. ​​

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Episode 5: Water and Fluids - How Much Do You Need? 


Episode 3: Fresh, Frozen, or Canned