Episode 144: Debunking Nutrition Myths - Organic Foods Are Healthier

Welcome to Episode 144 of the Real World Nutrition podcast! In this installment of our summer series debunking common nutrition myths, Shelley addresses the myth that organic foods are always healthier. Many believe that choosing organic produce and products guarantees better health, but the reality is more complex.

Shelley explains that while organic foods are grown without certain pesticides and synthetic fertilizers, this doesn’t automatically make them more nutritious. Nutrient content varies widely in organic and conventional foods due to soil quality, farming practices, and crop variety. Studies have shown minimal nutrient differences between organic and conventional foods. For instance, a large review in the Annals of Internal Medicine found comparable nutrient levels.

While organic foods often have lower pesticide residues, the levels in conventional produce are typically within safety limits. Additionally, some organic products can be high in sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats, similar to their conventional counterparts. Shelley provides practical tips on prioritizing organic purchases, focusing on a balanced diet, and making budget-friendly choices.

Tune in to Episode 144 to learn the truth about organic foods and how to make informed decisions for your health.

Reference: Are Organic Foods Safer or Healthier Than Conventional Alternatives?: A Systematic Review


Read More: The Truth About Organic

Listen: Real World Nutrition Espidoe 9: The Truth About Organic

Read More: Ignore the Dirty Dozen

Listen: Real World Nutrition Episode 30: Ignore the Dirty Dozen

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