Real World Nutrition News You Can Use
There is a lot of misinformation about nutrition. And nothing in this field is black-or-white, yes-or-no, but many shades of gray and a lot of “it depends.” So, my goal is to help clear up some of that misinformation with some snark, entertainment, and facts (with some opinion thrown in).
Many of these topics come from interactions with the public, friends, clients, and students. I see sheer misinformation about the science of nutrition, and I do my best to clear things up one blog post at a time.
If you have a topic you are wondering about, let me know.
Looking for a specific topic? Search to see if it is already here.
Sippin’ on Smoothies: Nutritious Blends or Secret Sugar Bomb?
Love smoothies but are concerned about the high sugar content? They aren’t all high in sugar and can provide nutrients in a single blend. In this post, I address smoothies’ nutrition pros and cons and share my secrets on creating healthy smoothies that won’t compromise on taste.
Frozen Yogurt vs. Ice Cream: Is One Healthier?
Have you ever chosen frozen yogurt over ice cream? Was it because you were into the taste and flavor options? Or do you believe frozen yogurt is healthier and better for you than ice cream? What are their differences, and is the nutrient content very different?
Unleash the Power of Prunes: Boost Your Bowel and Bone Health!
Discover one of the more underrated items in the fruit world - prunes! Learn about their remarkable health benefits, from improving bowel health to strengthening your bones.
Embracing Flexibility: The Health Benefits of the Flexitarian Diet
Discover the incredible health benefits of the flexitarian diet and embrace a flexible approach to nutrition. Explore the power of balance, increase your intake of plant-based foods, and enjoy occasional meaty delights. You may desire a plant-based diet but still want the occasion meat-based dish. Welcome to the flexitarian diet.
Meal Prepping: The Ultimate Time Saver for Healthier Eating?
Discover the potential time-saving benefits of meal prepping and get five practical tips to get started. Take control of your meals and reclaim your precious time during the week.
Dairy Dilemma: Do You Need Dairy in Your Diet for Optimal Nutrition?
Do you need dairy in your diet? From milk to cheese, dairy has long been promoted as a vital part of a balanced eating plan. But is it essential? For as long as I have been a dietitian (and before), there has been controversy about dairy. Today I bring you nutrition benefits, considerations, and dairy alternatives.
Nourishing Your Brain: Nutrition Interventions for Stroke Prevention and Recovery
Did you know your diet and lifestyle can impact your brain health? It does. What you put on your plate can play a significant role in preventing and recovering from strokes. In this blog post, I'll address the signs, symptoms, and risks associated with strokes and how nutrition can play a role.
Debunking Mediterranean Diet Myths and Unveiling the Facts: A Nutrition Intervention for Optimal Health
You have heard of the Mediterranean Diet and may even follow some portions. But did you know that it isn’t just a diet but a lifestyle and way of living?
Can what we eat affect our sleep?
Can what we eat affect our sleep? How is sleep related to nutrition? Things in our life and our diet (eating patterns) can impact our sleep. Our body is working while we sleep. Many people comment that we don’t digest our food while we sleep, but this is not true.
Do You Eat Asparagus?
Do you eat asparagus?
What is the big deal with asparagus?
Why should we eat it?
And what about that “smell” that comes along the next day that reminds you that you had asparagus yesterday?
Lactose Intolerance vs. Dairy Allergy
There is often confusion between a lactose intolerance, the naturally occurring sugar in milk (from any mammal, including humans), and a milk allergy.
These two diagnoses and conditions are not interchangeable.
Someone with a dairy allergy cannot have cheese, not even a small amount of parmesan cheese, as a topping on a salad.
However, someone with lactose intolerance most likely can have that without any consequences.
You Can Eat What You Want
What do you think when I say you can EAT WHAT YOU WANT?
Some people have some automatic and negative thoughts about this.
Regarding food and our behaviors around food, we need to stop thinking in black and white.
Here is a fact: one food, one meal, or even one day of eating will not turn our health for the better or, the worse. But the consistency of that food, meal, or day over and over.
200 Today and More to Come
This post is the 200th blog post on this website.
In the early 2010s, I blogged regularly at NM Dietitian, which is still alive. Nothing on the internet goes away.
Even before then, I had another blog in BlogSpot, or it could have been Blogger. I don’t remember.
I share some of what I have done and how to ask for a specific topic.
Eggs are Not Dairy
Eggs are Not Dairy
While stating eggs are not dairy may be evident to some people, more and more, there needs to be more clarity about eggs and what food group to which they belong.
Over the past ten years or so, I have seen and heard more and more that people are categorizing eggs in the dairy group.
DASH To Your Health
As much as I don’t recommend a structured and restrictive diet, I promote one “diet” - the DASH Diet.
DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) is a flexible and balanced eating plan that helps create a heart-healthy eating style for life.
While it was initially studied for helping blood pressure health (reducing hypertension), it is appropriate for anyone who wants a healthy eating pattern.
The DASH eating plan requires no special foods and provides daily and weekly nutritional goals
World Women’s Wellness Day
In 2023 World Women’s Wellness Day’s theme is to empower women to take charge of their health and well-being.
Isn’t everyday women’s wellness day? In theory, we should all focus on our wellness daily; however, you know this is not how it works.
Women often put their health and wellness in second or third place after the wellness of those in their life, including their children, spouses, and parents.
It is considered selfish if a woman stops caring for those around her.
Stop Food Waste
Did you know: About one-third of the food produced globally is lost or wasted each year? The average American family spends over $1800 annually on wasted food? About 25% of the food wasted globally could feed the undernourished people in the world? Approximately 8% of greenhouse gas emissions annually are from food loss and food waste?
What are the health benefits of garlic?
You know garlic – keeps vampires away, a staple ingredient in many dishes from cultures worldwide, and a label that goes with bad breath. Is it a vegetable? Herb? Spice? Who cares. It is good stuff. It gives excellent flavor and has many purported health benefits. It is part of the allium family that includes chives, leeks, onions, scallions, and shallots. The compounds that give these plants their unique smell and taste are likely what also provides health benefits.
Physical Activity vs. Exercise – What’s the Difference?
So many people don’t know the difference between physical activity and exercise. People often confuse physical activity and exercise. But they are not the same thing. Not all physical activity is exercise, but all exercise is always physical activity. What is the difference, and why does it matter?
Why Avoid Soy?
Why Avoid Soy? Soy is an excellent plant-based protein alternative, including soy milk, soybeans, edamame, tofu, and even soy protein supplements. So why does soy cause controversy? Whether it is suggesting that we choose cow’s milk or soy milk over the other milk alternatives or indicating that it is okay to eat a soy-based veggie burger or eat tofu, some people cannot get it out fast enough that I am wrong about soy food.