Episode 54: Carbohydrates vs Sugar

Show Notes:

Episode 54: Carbohydrates vs Sugar

This is part 1 of a series about sugar - starting with carbohydrates vs sugar.

Sugar in the form of glucose is THE fuel for the brain, the fuel for all our cells, and the fuel for our muscles. So, when people make a blanket statement such as “sugar feeds cancer cells,” that is true, but only because sugar feeds ALL cells in the body.

Get the scoop on carbohydrates vs sugar, a mini biochemistry lesson on sugars, the difference between carbohydrates and sugar, and simple vs complex carbohydrates.

Read more: Carbohydrates vs Sugar 

Read more: Food Groups vs Nutrients

Listen: Food Groups vs Nutrients

Read the series on the Food Labels starting here

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Episode 55: Natural vs Added Sugars


Episode 53: Vitamin B