Real World Nutrition News You Can Use
There is a lot of misinformation about nutrition. And nothing in this field is black-or-white, yes-or-no, but many shades of gray and a lot of “it depends.” So, my goal is to help clear up some of that misinformation with some snark, entertainment, and facts (with some opinion thrown in).
Many of these topics come from interactions with the public, friends, clients, and students. I see sheer misinformation about the science of nutrition, and I do my best to clear things up one blog post at a time.
If you have a topic you are wondering about, let me know.
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How To Overcome the Five Biggest Obstacles To Healthy Living
Being a dietitian for over two decades, I guarantee that I have heard all kinds of reasons why people have challenges with healthy living. I know these are authentic and valid obstacles. I get it. Like many people, I have many roles, some running concurrently. I get it. I promise you I do. This is why I address what I hear are the top 5 obstacles to healthy living.
The Case for Planning, Meal Planning
The case for meal planning. Now, don’t confuse this with meal prep – making the bulk of your week’s meals in one major cooking session at the start of the week. That is a different topic. Meal planning and meal prepping are two different topics. This is meal planning to save you time.
No Weight Loss? That is Probably Okay
Are you frustrated with your scale and apparent lack of weight loss? Consider this: the number on the scale tells only part of the overall health story. Does it say anything about our overall health? Not really. It just shows mass, and changes in mass, day-to-day. That's it.
Five Foods (and Beverages) to Consider Fueling Your Fitness
In the last post, I wrote about fueling fitness and how most people either don’t do it correctly or at all or believe it requires supplements. So today, I am giving the top five things to ensure you properly fuel, and recover from, your fitness.
Fueling Fitness
One of the most significant issues I see when it comes to diet and exercise is that people need to fuel their bodies in preparation for exercise - but they don't. While doing a 30-45, or even 60-minute run or lifting session, there isn't a need to carbo load, pound protein, or take pre-workout. However, properly fueling will help with a productive workout and feeling like it is easier.
Five More Weight Loss Myths Busted
The previous post included the top five myths regarding weight loss. But I couldn’t stop there. This post includes five more myths: low carb, exercise, and that healthy food tastes like cardboard - does it?
Five Weight Loss Myths Busted
While I am always promoting that people should focus on their overall health and mental and physical wellness, weight loss is still a big focus for many people – not just in January, but year-round. Many drastic measures to lose weight are temporary and will result in weight regain when old habits return. I have found that many weight loss myths persist. Here are the top five myths regarding weight loss.
Five Ways to Make Healthier Eating Easier
As people start to eat healthier, they often find it overwhelming, time-consuming, and challenging. But it doesn’t have to be. Here are five ways to make eating healthier easier. And don’t worry - you don’t have to adopt all five immediately. Take small steps.
Small Steps and Your ONE Mission for 2023
Here we are in January 2023, and once again, people say they would like to lose weight. Great. Now what? Whether this is your first, fourteenth, or 40th time embarking on a weight loss plan, you need to find what will work and is sustainable for you and your lifestyle. What is the reason, or reasons, for doing this? Why now? Because it is January? To look better, feel healthier, have more energy, or all of these? No matter the reason, consider small steps to reach more significant changes rather than a temporary overhaul.
Five Things To Stop (or Minimize) in 2023 and Beyond
January often brings forward a list of don’ts or eliminate such as alcohol or sugar, or “carbs.” So, here is the list of five things to consider stopping or eliminating in 2023.
Five Things To Start (or Continue) For Optimal Health in 2023 and Beyond
With the new year less than one week away and another inevitable list of resolutions for a healthier life, today is a list of the top five things you can do now and for life to help ensure a healthier life. And you may think this is nothing “new” here. Of course, it isn’t, but oddly, this comes up perennially, so why not repeat it?
Think Goals Rather Than Resolutions
With the new year comes the inevitable talk of resolutions. Do you make resolutions? Do you keep them? Do you even bother? What is the big thing about January and the new year? The fresh start? First, I encourage people to make goals rather than resolutions. And make these goals SMART.
Quality vs. Quantity
As we enter this last couple of weeks of the year and a couple more holiday celebrations, let’s talk about quality vs. quantity. Not about gifts, nor about time with family and friends, though it should apply. It is about food.
The Myth of 21 Days
Have you heard that it takes 21 days to create a new habit? It sounds so simple: do something every day for 21 days to create a habit. Right? Perhaps, but not necessarily.
Stop Black-And-White Thinking
When it comes to food and our behaviors around the food, we need to stop thinking in black and white. It is NOT ONE food, one meal, or even one day that turns our health for the better or, the worse. But the consistency of that food, meal, or day over and over.
Stop the Cheating Mindset
Many times, people have a CHEAT DAY with their diet. And others may only have a CHEAT MEAL. What does this mean? Cheating? Is this a good approach to eating?
Does cooking food kill nutrients?
So often, I hear an argument that cooking “kills” nutrients. With all the cooking humans have done since the discovery of fire, we would have died from malnutrition long ago. And while I will not argue that malnutrition is a significant issue globally, I guarantee you that cooking or heating food isn’t the issue.
Healthier Fast Food – Is it possible?
Is fast-food “healthy”? Not really. But you may find yourself at a fast food place wondering if there are healthier options. If you go more than “once in a while” you may want to consider how you make healthier choices and help your overall health in the process. And not avoiding them completely. Because sometimes you can’t.
Eat What You Want and Eat What You Love
Eat What You Want and Eat What You Love People are dubious when I tell people that they can eat what they want. But why not? What is the reason? Are you allergic? Have an intolerance? Or it is a perception that you “shouldn’t” eat certain foods?
Talking Turkey
Are turkeys full of hormones? Do you need to look for antibiotic-free turkey? Does the tryptophan make you sleepy? Should you choose light meat or dark meat? Should you cook it without the skin? This article covers eight facts about turkey.