Episode 49: Do You Need IV Therapy?

Show Notes:

Episode 49: Do You Need IV Therapy?

Have you heard of IV therapy?

IV therapy is getting intravenous fluids outside a medical or hospital setting for therapeutic use and not for medical "need."

But recently, it seems like it is advertised a lot more. So what is it and is it beneficial>

Anyone who's ever been to the hospital, emergency department, or urgent care (or even seen this sort of thing on television) knows that an IV is a common way for the medical staff to deliver medications and assist with overall hydration.

IV therapy is available outside of this setting for apparently healthy people at medical spas, wellness centers, and even in your own home (not self-administered, but someone coming to your home to administer it).

Schedule a consult call with me today to learn how I can help you reach your health and wellness goals: https://www.shelleyrael.com/contact

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