Real World Nutrition News You Can Use

There is a lot of misinformation about nutrition. And nothing in this field is black-or-white, yes-or-no, but many shades of gray and a lot of “it depends.” So, my goal is to help clear up some of that misinformation with some snark, entertainment, and facts (with some opinion thrown in). 

Many of these topics come from interactions with the public, friends, clients, and students. I see sheer misinformation about the science of nutrition, and I do my best to clear things up one blog post at a time. 

If you have a topic you are wondering about, let me know

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Shelley Rael Shelley Rael

Dimensions of Wellness: Environmental Wellness

Remembering that the phrase “reduce, reuse, recycle” was designed as a hierarchy. So, we should first focus on reducing the use of resources and energy use and packaging. Many people believe that recycling is enough, but this was meant as what to do AFTER reducing and reusing.

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Shelley Rael Shelley Rael

Dimensions of Wellness: Physical Wellness

Physical wellness has several sub-components, but it is all has to do with the physical body and taking care of it now and in anticipation of the future.

Of course, this component includes engaging in regular exercise and eating well, but it also includes getting preventive checkups and screenings, having healthy habits and behaviors, and protecting yourself from potential harm.

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Shelley Rael Shelley Rael

Dimensions of Wellness: Occupational Wellness

Occupational wellness is having satisfaction with your career or job. It also includes finding balance in both work and non-work activities and commitments, including knowing when to say “no” to maintain that balance.

Even if you are retired, this is still an area of wellness to consider.

Technically there is a difference between a career and a job, but that is mostly is based on attitude for our purposes here.

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Shelley Rael Shelley Rael

Dimensions of Wellness: Intellectual Wellness

Are you a life-long learner? You should be. And this doesn’t mean you need to go to school forever and ever. That’s the stuff of nightmares for some people.

Intellectual wellness is the aspect of wellness in which you continue to expand your mind by increasing your knowledge, skills, and even your creative abilities throughout life. 

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Shelley Rael Shelley Rael

Dimensions of Wellness: Emotional Wellness

Emotional Wellness is the component of wellness related to our ability to develop inner strength and learn and grow from experiences.  

Let’s face it, 2020 was a year that tested our emotions. There were things we experienced that we could never have imagined. It was probably one of the more stressful times of our lives.

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Shelley Rael Shelley Rael

The Meaning of Wellness

Wellness isn’t the pursuit of perfection – as if there is such a thing when it comes to health.

Wellness is outsmarting our genetics, our environment, and the easy-to-adopt less-than-healthy-habits.

Wellness is a choice but it also requires action.

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