Real World Nutrition News You Can Use

There is a lot of misinformation about nutrition. And nothing in this field is black-or-white, yes-or-no, but many shades of gray and a lot of “it depends.” So, my goal is to help clear up some of that misinformation with some snark, entertainment, and facts (with some opinion thrown in). 

Many of these topics come from interactions with the public, friends, clients, and students. I see sheer misinformation about the science of nutrition, and I do my best to clear things up one blog post at a time. 

If you have a topic you are wondering about, let me know

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Shelley Rael Shelley Rael

Elevate Your 2024: Embracing a Diet and Exercise

Are you ready for a healthier you in 2024? Explore nutrition and fitness goals for a well-rounded approach to wellness. Discover achievable steps for a nourishing and fulfilling year, from savoring colorful fruits to embracing active living.

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Shelley Rael Shelley Rael

The Best Time to Exercise

The question is often asked and researched: what time is best to exercise: morning, after lunch, after work? While there are some minor differences when is ideal for the time on the clock, realistically, there is no actual physical benefit to certain times of the day. Here is the answer: whatever time of day works best for you.

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Shelley Rael Shelley Rael

What Are Your Five Golden Rings?

According to the Urban Dictionary, the expression “grab for the gold ring” is “to take a chance and reach for some goal or desire.” We often neglect things in our lives or put them on the back burner, which decreases our healthy life and quality of life. Think about what you want to reach for in the next year, and consider these five things in your life.

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Shelley Rael Shelley Rael

Spring Fever: Should You Still Workout?

With spring here and a new season of allergies having arrived, and many people are sneezing and sniffling right now. While it could be difficult to run or bike when you are sneezing, is it still okay to exercise if you are sick?

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