Real World Nutrition News You Can Use

There is a lot of misinformation about nutrition. And nothing in this field is black-or-white, yes-or-no, but many shades of gray and a lot of “it depends.” So, my goal is to help clear up some of that misinformation with some snark, entertainment, and facts (with some opinion thrown in). 

Many of these topics come from interactions with the public, friends, clients, and students. I see sheer misinformation about the science of nutrition, and I do my best to clear things up one blog post at a time. 

If you have a topic you are wondering about, let me know

Looking for a specific topic? Search to see if it is already here.

Shelley Rael Shelley Rael

Carbohydrates vs Sugar

This is the first in a series about sugar and all things sugar. Sugar in the form of glucose is THE fuel for the brain, the fuel for all our cells, and the fuel for our muscles. So, when people make a blanket statement such as “sugar feeds cancer cells,” that is true, but only because sugar feeds ALL cells in the body.

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Shelley Rael Shelley Rael

Is coffee good for me or not?

Growing up, too much coffee was not a good thing. At least that is what the commercials on television told me. Not that I drank coffee as a kid. Seeing those commercials made me think that this was not a good thing to consume. And what was too much coffee? In some cases, having only half a cup was an acceptable amount in any more than that was not. Only half a cup because my doctor said so.

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Shelley Rael Shelley Rael

September is Fruit and Veggies Month

Why we need to focus on a specific month for fruits and vegetables, I don’t know. Let’s devote the entire YEAR to fruits and vegetables. Focus on eating fruits and vegetables every day of every month of the year. However, here we are in September, formerly “National 5-a-Day Month,” and it is now “Fruit and Veggies Month.”

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