Embracing Achievable Triumphs: Goals Over Resolutions for a Fulfilling 2024

Embracing Achievable Triumphs: Goals Over Resolutions for a Fulfilling 2024

As we gear up for another year, it's that time when everyone starts talking about resolutions. But let's be real: resolutions often fall by the wayside as quickly as the New Year's confetti settles.

Here, I want to share some insights into why there may be more effective approaches than resolutions and how setting goals, particularly SMART goals, can pave the way for a successful and fulfilling 2024.

Resolutions vs. Goals: The Breakdown

We've all been there—making idealistic resolutions enthusiastically, only to struggle to maintain them after a few weeks (head to the gym in the third week of January, and you should be just fine). Resolutions are vague, often lacking the specificity needed for long-term success. Conversely, goals provide a roadmap, giving you a clear direction.

Why Resolutions Falter and How Goals Prevail

Resolutions often crumble because they need more structure and clarity; that is where goals come in. Goals are like a GPS for your ideas and ambitions, helping you stay on course. You have heard of the SMART criteria for goals —Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. By breaking down your aspirations using these parameters, you're setting yourself up for success.

SMART Goals: The Emphasis on the REALISTIC Approach

The 'A' in SMART stands for Achievable, emphasizing the importance of setting realistic goals. Realistic goals are those that align with your abilities and resources, ensuring they are attainable. Let's champion the REALISTIC element of goal setting for a moment.

People say they will exercise daily or stop eating out (or fast food). Is this realistic or achievable? Possible, yes, but not realistic.

Encouraging Realistic Goals for 2024

So, to help you out, I am sharing some of my tentative goals for 2024 (I am thinking of increasing the book goal). These goals cover a range of areas, from personal development to health and wellness:

  • Read 24 Books in 2024 (Reading Goal): This is realistic and something I have done for years. I aim to read the number of books that correlate with this year. This goal can be broken down into two monthly books, making it highly manageable. I have reached this goal for several years, so I am considering increasing this to 48 books this year. And there is no harm if I don’t complete it.

  • Complete 5000 Pushups in a Year (Fitness Goal): This is my goal. I used to do it like the book goal (23 pushups three times a week in 2023), but as things got thrown off in 2023, in the last quarter of 2023, I had a goal to complete 1000 pushups in the entire quarter. I completed that by mid-December and am still doing pushups a few times a week in my exercise routine, so why not? Doing 5,000 pushups this year is highly realistic. It still allows for rest and vacations.

  • Enroll/Take a Cake Decorating Class in Q1 (Skill Development): This has been something I’ve wanted to do for years. I have the tools and decided that if I didn’t start using them by the end of 2024, they need to go to someone who will use them. I recently took a cookie decorating class and a locally owned shop near my house. I’ve lived in this neighborhood for more than 25 years and never knew this shop was there, and now I have been to it twice this month. They offer classes, so I see this as entirely realistic now. I need to watch for the class and enroll. If it doesn’t happen in the first quarter, no harm, I will move it to the next quarter. And if it isn’t done this year, the tools probably still need to go.

  • Participate in a Tandem Bike Event in 2024 (Adventure Goal): We have the bike. We have plenty of bike events in my community, so this is a matter of agreeing on which one, registering, and showing up. Last year, we did register for an event, but the training got side-tracked. We still showed up but did a shorter route than initially planned. That was okay. We didn’t blow it off.

  • Two Servings of Fruit Daily (Nutrition Goal): From a dietitian, it may seem odd to have this as a goal, but this is one of those things that can easily be missed. With my smoothies, this is much easier and often achieved in the summer. However, there are times when I have yet to get at least two servings per day, so this will happen, and I can make a simple plan for incorporating fruit into my day to meet this goal easily. And I need to represent – practice what I preach.

  • Create a Meditation Routine (Wellness Goal): Meditation is not my thing. I’ve had a hard time with it, but I have recently found an app that helps me. So, my goal is to begin with three days a week in the first quarter, gradually building the habit. This is like exercise and brushing my teeth; I must do it regularly to get the benefits. So, starting with a 10-minute guided practice three times a week is realistic, and after the first quarter, I can increase it if I am ready.

Okay, enough of my goals (I have more), but this can give you an idea of what you'd like to consider. Take some time now to set some goals for yourself in 2024. Consider different areas, such as wellness, nutrition, fitness, health, hobbies, education, career, social, life skills, adventure, travel, and family goals.

Make as many as you want, but remember that you want REALISTIC goals, so if you have 50 things you want to do in 2024, is that achievable and realistic? Only you know.

How to Kickstart Your 2024 Goals

After you have outlined your goals, we can discuss how to kickstart them. Starting a new year with a clear plan is crucial for success. Here are some steps to help you begin your journey:

  • Reflect on 2023: Take some time to reflect on the past year—acknowledge your achievements, learn from challenges, and use these insights to shape your goals for 2024.

  • Break Goals into Actionable Steps: Outline the steps you must take for each goal. Breaking them down into smaller, actionable tasks makes them more manageable.

  • Create a Visual Plan: Use tools like calendars, planners, or goal-tracking apps to map your goals visually. Having a visual representation helps you stay organized and focused. (I have mine in a Trello board – but that is just me.)

  • Establish Accountability: Share your goals with a friend, family member, or colleague who can offer support and accountability. Having someone to share your progress with can be motivating. You don’t need to share all of them with the accountability person – my husband knows my pushup goal (and the tandem goal), and he helped me with some tips that make those pushups so much easier.

  • Celebrate Incremental Wins: Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements along the way. Celebrating small wins boosts motivation and reinforces your commitment to the larger goals.

These steps can help set the stage for a successful and fulfilling 2024 by approaching your goals with a realistic mindset and a plan.

So, as we step into 2024, let's ditch the resolutions and embrace the power of SMART goals—your personalized guide to a year filled with triumphs, big and small.


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