Could You Do a Vegan Challenge?
I recently came across something online (where else) called a "Vegan Challenge."
No meat, dairy, eggs, animal anything for 30 days.
This "challenge" got me thinking…
Is it a "challenge" to be vegan?
There are many types of vegetarianism, but people don't always know that. So when someone tells me they are vegetarian, I respond, "What kind?"
Sometimes I get funny looks, but there are several types, and people have their twist on vegetarianism that doesn't meet the actual definition.
I always tell people that vegetarianism occurs on a spectrum – and there is no right or wrong way. Other than claiming you are vegetarian but still eat meat.
Here are the types:
Vegan: eat no animal products; no meat, poultry, fish, dairy, or eggs. And no honey and no gelatin. It may take some work initially, as well as you being a part-time investigator, but it can be healthy.
Lacto-vegetarian: no meat, poultry, fish, or eggs, but will consume dairy products.
Ovo-vegetarian: no meat, poultry, fish, or dairy, but will eat eggs.
Lacto-Ovo vegetarian: no meat, poultry, or fish, but will eat eggs and dairy products.
Pescatarian: no meat or poultry, but will eat fish, eggs, and dairy products. Pescatarian is not vegetarian, but some pescatarians call themselves vegetarians.
Semi-vegetarian: no "red" meat, but will eat poultry (sometimes called a pollotarian). Not vegetarianism, strictly speaking.
Flexitarians: meat-eating vegetarians. It seems like an oxymoron, but it refers to people who eat mostly a vegetarian diet like pescatarian or lacto-ovo but will include meat occasionally. For example, if they are a guest in someone's home or at an event with a meal, they don't put up a stink about meat in the sauce. Or they have turkey at Thanksgiving or roast beef for Christmas.
Some types of vegetarianism includes dairy and eggs.
People choose to be vegetarian for many reasons, from ethics, religion, animal rights, and health. However, becoming vegetarian, in any form, does not ensure a healthy or healthier diet. On the contrary, even a vegan can have a very unhealthy diet.
Years ago, I analyzed the diet of a vegan client. He had energy bars three to four times a day, dozens of pieces of hard candy, and 48 ounces of orange juice. Occasionally he would get mashed potatoes or a vegetable from the cafeteria at work. However, he never had more fruits or vegetables, grains, and protein besides the minimal amount in the energy bars.
So this points out that eating vegan is only sometimes healthier.
Going from being a meat-eater to a vegetarian is best tackled in stages, whether a semi-vegetarian or a vegan.
Start cutting back on meat and poultry and include more beans, nuts, and meat alternatives such as veggie crumbles and tempeh. Fish, dairy, and eggs help ensure enough essential nutrients. After several weeks or months, cut back or remove fish; if you choose, cut back on eggs and dairy. Always make sure you include lots of fruits and vegetables.
Going vegan takes some practice if you are used to high or regular meat consumption. It is a choice.
And, as mentioned, it takes being a part-time investigator. In addition, only some understand or respect the vegan diet choice, so they may tell you something is vegan when it isn't.
YOU must inform yourself if being 100% vegan is of utmost importance.
Many years ago, a vegan friend was enjoying her Guinness beer. However, she was strict in her vegan approach. Guinness was not vegan-friendly at the time, so I let her know. She was immensely disappointed and stopped drinking Guinness.
Could you be vegan? Would it be a "challenge" for you?
Here are two other posts I wrote about vegetarianism: