Thriving on the Go: Your Ultimate Guide to Staying Healthy While Traveling

Thriving on the Go: Your Ultimate Guide to Staying Healthy While Traveling

As the holiday season kicks into high gear, so does the travel madness – generally, I don’t and won’t travel this time of year since I’m not particularly eager to deal with crowds and risk weather delays. But if you are not like me and are jetting off to visit family or planning a winter escape, one thing’s for sure – staying healthy is a must. Whether a few hours from here or there are a few time zones you are navigating, I’ve got some tried-and-true tips to help you make it to your destination feeling fantastic and ready to enjoy every moment.

1. Hydration Station: First things first, let’s talk water! I know I bring it up a lot – hydration, but traveling can be dehydrating, especially if you’re hopping between time zones. Keep a reusable water bottle by your side, fill it up on the other side of security, and drink it.

2. Snack Smart, Snack Often: Avoid the tempting but regrettable fast-food pitstops. Pack healthy snacks like nuts, fruit, or granola bars to stabilize your energy levels and avoid the dreaded hanger. And, unless the person next to you has a nut or peanut allergy, rest assured your peanuts will not cause a reaction to the passenger three rows away. No matter what they claim.

3. Move Those Muscles: Long flights or road trips can leave you feeling stiff. Sneak in some stretches or take a quick walk during layovers to keep your blood flowing and those muscles happy. And, unless the seatbelt sign is on or the drink cart is there, you can walk up and down the aisle if needed.

4. Sleep Savvy: Don’t underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep. Bring a travel pillow, an eye mask, and earplugs for exceptionally long flights to help you sleep and wake up refreshed (or less tired). And try to start a bedtime routine at your destination time about a week before leaving.

5. Mindful Munching: When you arrive, do your best to get on the eating or meal schedule at the local time. If you arrive at 11 pm, it may not be time to eat, and you must wait until breakfast. And why those snacks during the trip will help. When you do eat, be mindful of portion sizes. You can savor the taste of local flavors without overindulging.

6. Germ Warfare: Let’s face it, traveling always has a companion: germs. Take your hand sanitizer and a pack of antibacterial wipes. A quick wipe-down of high-touch surfaces like the tray table on the plane (and the knob that holds it up), as well as any other surfaces that 30 other people have touched that day.

7. Adjust to the Time Zone: If you’re crossing time zones, sync your internal clock with your destination’s time ASAP. It might be tempting, but resist the urge to crash or go to bed early and push it to the local time.

8. Prioritize Self-Care: Schedule some “me time” amidst the hustle and bustle. Whether it’s a short meditation, a relaxing bath, or just some quiet time with a good book – taking care of your mental health is vital.

If you can, avoid making the out-and-back trips of under 48 hours, especially if traveling in more than one or two time zones. Having done several of those, I know that trips under 48 hours and two-time zone differences often mean less sleep, more exposure to germs, less eating well, less exercise, and an increased risk of getting sick in the next few days. Is it worth it?

Navigating the challenges of travel doesn’t mean sacrificing your well-being. With some preparation and mindfulness, you can have a relaxing trip and enjoy your destination rather than frustration and exhaustion. Safe travels!

Get more snack tips with Navigating Healthy Snacking on the Go: Fueling Your Travels with Smart Choices


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