Chocolate Milk and Post Exercise Recovery

Over the years, I have gotten many questions about what a good post-exercise recovery meal or drink is.

While there are many protein drinks and recovery options, I come to the table with a budget-friendly option: chocolate milk.

Many years ago, when my husband asked about a post-exercise recovery option, I suggested chocolate milk, and he said, “no I mean something with protein in it that can help with my recovery.” So, I said, “chocolate milk!”

When it comes to a “recovery” beverage or meal following a workout, the ideal ratio is a 3:1 to 4:1 carbohydrate-to-protein ratio.

This ratio means that for every three grams of carbohydrates, have one gram of protein (or every four grams of carbohydrates, have one gram of protein).

This ratio means if something has six grams of protein, you want to have about 18 to 24 grams of carbohydrates (6 x 3=18 and 6 x 4 = 24).

This amount provides the protein to help repair muscles and carbohydrates to help fuel muscles from the workout and anticipating the next activity. The supposed ideal time frame is about a 45-to-60-minutes following the training, though this is still up for debate and further research. Still, there is no harm in doing it within this 45 to 60-minute window.

Many people I talk to say they don’t feel hungry following a workout. However, they should have something following the activity for the reason I stated above.

And, there is no need for a large amount of food or an expensive protein supplement. Chocolate milk fits the bill.

Now one may ask, why not just milk rather than all that sugar?

Plain dairy does not have the same carbohydrate amount as chocolate milk. So, chocolate milk has added carbohydrates, yes in the form of sugar, to help balance out the ratio of milk alone.

You can buy pre-made chocolate milk if you wish. I used to see charges at the gas station for a couple of dollars when my husband purchased a container of chocolate milk following a bike ride before he came home.

Not everyone wants to pay this amount, needs to buy it while out and about. or can tolerate regular milk.

One can always add chocolate to their favorite milk, such as for those needing lactose-free dairy. When my whole family was active, we always had a container of Hershey’s chocolate syrup in the fridge (no sponsorship) to make chocolate milk at home while not paying extra for pre-made chocolate milk.

And, if you do want chocolate milk “to-go” without the concern of it spoiling, tetra packs of chocolate milk are available (without the need to refrigerate). 

So rather than spending a lot of money on fancy and expensive protein powders/supplements, chocolate milk, whether pre-made or made at home, is a great recovery beverage following exercise. And it has just the correct ratio of carbohydrates to protein.

Those who prefer something like A2 milk have a line of chocolate milk made with Hershey’s chocolate that is an appropriate ratio of protein to carbohydrates. For example, one cup of Hershey’s A2 dairy milk has 22 grams of carbohydrates and eight grams of protein, making the ratio 2.75:1.

And one cup of cow’s 2% milk has 30 grams of carbohydrates and seven grams of protein, making it a 4.3:1 carbohydrate-to-protein ratio.

So, skip the overpriced recovery beverage and go with chocolate milk.


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